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About Us

Pueblo County High School (PCHS) is an upstanding school in the Pueblo community. In addition to offering a top notch education, it has produced thousands of exceptional graduates since its opening in 1953.


During the Summer of 2015, a small group of PCHS alumni formed the alumni foundation to showcase PCHS for the great school it is! Prior to that time, PCHS was the only high school in Pueblo without an alumni foundation or hall of fame.


A successful Homecoming kickoff event and fundraising campaign held in the Fall of 2015 set the stage for a bright future. The initial funds raised enabled the foundation to establish its 501c3, and supported basic operation start-up expenses. The foundation also developed an active Board of Directors and other committees that developed bylaws, the scholarship application process, the Hall of Fame nomination and selection processes, fundraising efforts, donor recognition, communication tools and more.


Today, we are grateful to maintain a dedicated Board of Directors, have an ever-growing Hall of Fame, the opportunity to award multiple scholarships each year, and ability to sponsor school projects to support Hornets for generations to come!

We can only achieve our goals with the support of fellow Hornets!

Our Mission

The PCHS Alumni Foundation operates to accomplish three primary goals:


  • Award yearly student scholarships to outstanding Pueblo County High seniors.

  • Develop a Hall of Fame to recognize graduates or supporters who have made significant contributions to the community.

  • Directly support Pueblo County High student projects through grants and donations.

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